viernes, 17 de abril de 2015


In Australia, Easter is celebrated in the autumn season unlike other Northern hemisphere countries, where Easter falls in the springtime. (En Australia celebran a Pascua en Outono por estaren no hemisferio sur)
  • In Australia, instead of the rabbit, Bilby is considered to be one of the major symbols associated with Easter festivity. The reason of bunny rabbit being replaced by Bilby is that, the bunny rabbit is reported to have destroyed the agricultural crops.( En lugar do coello, o seu símbolo é Bilby. Consideran que os coellos destruian as colleitas)
In the reservoir of games, the hot favorite game is Egg Knocking. A participant holds an Easter egg and taps it with someone else's egg. A person whose egg survives, meaning whose egg shell does not get cracked, wins  (o xogo máis popular é o EggKnockin, que consiste en que una persoa choca un ovo contra o de outra persoa e aquel que non rompa é o gañador)
  • The 'Easter Bilby' takes away all the limelight in the celebrations. It is made on the lines of an endangered native Australian animal. The Bilby is a small rodent with a long nose and has ears just like a rabbit.( Bilby é un roedor con nariz longa e ten orellas de coello)
  • A lot more other cultural events take place in different cities of Australia like the National Folk Festival in Canberra, the Australian Gospel Festival in Queensland and Blues and Roots Festival at Byron Bay in Northern New South Wales. (Celebranse moitos eventos culturales en Pascua e en distintos liugares de Australia)
  • Many families play Easter hunt amongst themselves wherein the hunt is to take place inside homes or gardens and the kids are put to the task of hunting for eggs. The game ends with rewarding the kid who finds the maximum number of eggs. (As familias xogan á caza do ovo, nas casas e nos xardíns. Os rapaces que máis ovos atopen levan un premio)
  • To share the Easter meal with relatives is one of the important tradition in Australia. This meal generally consists of roasted lamb, beef or chicken along with roasted vegetables like potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, etc.(As familias xúntanse en Pascua para xantar cordeiro , polo, ou terneira ..)
Descripción: Descripción: Bilby
Descripción: Descripción: Hot Cross Buns
Hot Cross Buns are eaten in Good Friday in Australia


No recreo de secundaria algúns alumnos tiveron a posibilidade de participar neste xogo tradicional no Reino Unido e Estados Unidos e mesmo en Alemania ou Dinamarca. Consiste en facer carreiras de ovos empurrados con culleres, de tal maneira que vaian rodando ata chegar á meta. Os que chegaron de primeiros á meta gañaron  pequenos ovos de chocolate.
The Egg Roll itself is a race, where children push an egg through the grass with a long-handled spoon. We played Egg Rolling in our school. The winners got a small chocolate egg as a prize.

No 3º ciclo de Educación Primaria realizouse unha manualidade con pinzas.
Quedaron moi chulas!

No 2º ciclo de Educación Primaria realizáronse tarxetas pop up. Aquí tedes unha pequeña mostra dos nos@s artistas



domingo, 8 de febrero de 2015


No Nadal os rapaces e rapazas de 5º e 6º de E.P. realizaron muráis navideños para decorar o colexio. Temos que recoñecer que o fixeron moi ben! Parabéns a tod@s!